+C Bret Campbell
Hillsboro, TN
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* Featured * Saturday 5-25-2013 10am PST
+C Bret Campbell
singer songwriter
Father, Believer, Carpenter, Musician, Studio Geek, Master Jedi, my daughter says, "He's a pretty nice guy, once you get to know him."
Now the long version...
Co-Founder of MiddleTennessee Music. Founded in 2011 as a merging of Small Barn Sound 's production and promotion services with those of BUNKS Multimedia, Mid Tenn focuses on independent musicians, labels, venues, publications and web partnerships. Along with free information and promotion services Mid-Tenn act as consultant, webmaster, and online marketing director for bands, artists, indie labels, radio promo companies, and others. We build, host and maintain websites, handle promotion campaigns and help build the professional team that an artist on the rise needs.
I've been a musician for 35 years, and involved in the music community in some way or another all of that time. Currently making music, and writing PR and reviews, covering Social Media for The Saturday Independent newspaper, and a multitude of topics on Mid Tn and Small Barn Sound. I also organizes and participates in charity concerts for several organizations.
I'm blessed to be a happily married father of 3 beautiful children who constantly give me inspiration to be the best I can be.
Bragging rights
Same lady for over 20 years; 3 kids; extensive career in BS. It's funny, but people always ask me do to things I don't claim or advertise that I can do, and I always manage to pull it off for them. I did not give myself the title "The Jedi" and it's a long story...
C Bret Campbell
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